Version 13.x
- Improved Dental, Surgical, Genioplasty, and Growth projections
- Automatic Calibration feature for multiple X-ray sources
- Easier-to-use Trace Structure dialog
- Case/Preferences/Display tab to adjust aspect ratio
- Automatic conversion from color to greyscale X-rays
- Minnesota 2012 Analysis
- Sassouni Plus AAGO Analysis
- Arnett Soft Tissue Analysis
- 1:1 scale printing of patient images and traces.
- Improved zooming capability. You can now zoom anywhere and at any time.
- Easier to use controls for changing the shape of traces or moving points and landmarks.
- New Alveolar Canal, Temporal Sulci, and Symphysis tracings to accommodate changes in the ABO.
- Easier to use controls and improved filter quality for the CLAHE filter.
- Automatic Rotation to any two points.
- Custom Superimpositions and ABO Superimpositions
- Improved Melded XRays feature
- Landmark location images that show suggested locations for ceph points
- Adjustable projections and More Exporting in the VTO/STO feature
- Analysis automatically updates after moving points
- Improvements to the COM interface for integration with practice management software
- New Open Dental Integration - See Integration page
- New tracing colors
- View/Landmark Locations option for experienced users
- Now shipping with 86 analyses, even in the demo versions
Version 12.x
- Compatible with 64-bit systems
- Fix Edit Case number to enumerate all phase files
- Arch Length Analysis
- Tip Edge Analysis
- White Analysis
- Pepperell Analysis
- Improve data presentation in Analysis View
- Patient data now stored in \Users\Public\Documents\Fyitek\
- New software installation program and product security
- USDI Contemporary Analysis
Version 11.x
- Quick analysis using X-ray film on monitor (Express)
- HTML Help
- Auto import existing profile photo and X-ray from Dr. View
Version 10.x
- User defined font size for variable results on images
- Improved display of exported analysis as text
- Auto calibrate on Capture/Import X-ray
- Added line color black when displaying variables
- Highlight completed Phases in green
- Reposition various windows for easier use
- Superimpose two X-rays to visually see changes
- Convert patient information to easy-to-read .case file
- User defined Tracing colors
- Does not allow duplicate Phase dates for patient
- Jackson Analysis
- Bolton Anterior & Overall Analysis
- Fishman CentroGraphic Analysis
- Magnify area during Landmark identification
- CLAHE (Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization) filter
Version 9.x
- Auto Trace structures/objects
- Sort Landmark prompt order
- Read and write 16bit TIFF images
- Crop image
- OSU and Iowa Analyses
- Up to 15 character case number
- User defined Intensity Control level of Melded image
- Magnify image during Landmark location
- International date formats
- Draw Tracing with Variables
- UCLA Vertical and Gnathos Analyses
- Improved image handling of Gendex and Kodak images
Version 8.x
- X-ray calibration
- Firenze Analyses
- Floating Norms Analysis
- Toggle on/off ceph variables and landmarks
- Rotate images to FH
- Display variable results on images/chevron
- Back button on Landmark identification
- Portuguese, Italian, or Spanish interface
- Schwarz-Faltin Analysis
- Hurst Analysis
- COGS Analysis
- Holdaway Analysis
- Copy window to clipboard
Version 7.x
- Open interface for Practice Management Software
- User assignable link to Imaging Software
- Ability to delete any Projection view
- Mean and SD values beginning at age 4
- Seamless integration with OASYS
- Prompts for new landmarks when changing analyses
- New type of Constructed Landmark (Intersection of two planes)
- Browse buttons in Preferences for easier configuration
- New menu option - File Management
- Superimpositions (Phase Comparison) on 7 Variables/Landmarks
- Displays landmark coordinates (x,y)
Version 6.x
- Impact and extrude the maxilla
- Split Analysis file for faster load time
- Variables as algebraic formulas
- Rotate maxilla up to 20 degrees
- Cervical Vertebral Maturation (CVM) Analysis
- Class III Prediction Analysis
Version 5.x
- Sassouni Analysis
- Grummons Frontal Analysis
- Customized interpretation of data
- Font size control for Analysis View print
- Up to six user defined races
- Downs Occlusal Plane no longer required
- X-ray dates for each Phase of treatment
- Age calculations are tied to the X-ray date
- Compatible with the Epson Expression 1680 Pro scanner
- Changed font style when using Windows XP
- Integration with Sirona ORTHOPHOS Plus DS digital X-ray machine