Superior Imaging Solutions

Software Downloads

Note:  These demo versions do not have the Cloud 9 or Oasys integrations.  Cloud9Ceph and OasysCeph are custom-built versions and you will need to contact us directly at or 208-265-8374 for more information.

The demos for Dr. CephDrCeph Jr, and Dr. View can be downloaded by following the instructions on the right. The trial versions of both programs are limited to 10 cases and 30 days. The full versions can be purchased from our Order Form page. Upon receipt of payment, detailed instructions will be emailed to you outlining the installation process for the full versions.

Included in the program folder (C:\ProgramFiles\Fyitek) is our Quick Start Guide, which will lead you step by step through the basic features of the software. If you need additional assistance, you can contact our Technical Support staff free of charge for 30 days. For assistance after the initial 30 days, enrollment in our Annual Maintenance Plans would be necessary. Please reference our Order Form page for current pricing.

All programs include a sample case for you to work with. The demos of Dr. Ceph and DrCeph Jr are 5 MB. The Dr. View program includes 19 images of various appliances and typodonts and is 10 MB.